"You can't find a woman quite as lusciously curvy as Dee-Dee, a lady with her aim as steady as Mamie, nor a giggly girl as annoying as Ginny in the Town Of Morkkis. A town where morality dies every day and strawberry marshmallows taste like cigarettes and gasoline."
Cherry Pies is the bachelor project of three visual design students at Tampere University of Applied Sciences. It's an animated series about the adventures of three extraordinary ladies and their chunky pet seal Hylky working and living in their bakery in a sweetly uncanny and decayed, retrofuturistic world.
At the moment we are working on the design and the first episode of our series, and in this blog we post the progress of the project.
Nämä ovat niin herkulliset sivut ja teillä on ihania burleskineitoja! Lisäksi voiko olla parempaa kaupungin nimeä kuin Morkkis. :-D